& home apothecary

library building




Welcome to the Store Cupboard & Home Herbalism Apothecary Library. The store cupboard is the beating heart of any kitchen. A nourishful library of possibilities. A sparse vs well stocked store cupboard is the difference between tired & inspired cooking & eating. A space we can turn to for deep nourishment, textural joy and nutritive pleasure. This online refill library delivers to your store, bundles those products which might be less widely available; from grains, legumes and dried fruits to seaweeds, nuts & seeds plus botanicals, tonic herbs, spices, adaptogenic mushrooms & healing plants to aid you in gathering a toolkit to support how you want to feel.

re-use. re-fill. re-store.

Your store cupboard doesn’t need to be rows of uniform kilner jars or anything fancy… a re-use and gathered approach is encouraged here! We love using masking tape or coloured washy tape to label re-cycled jars or containers found at car boot sales/ charity shops.

Food Doula Recipe Book